Ghetto Fighters' House (Museum) - VINTAGE ISRAELI POSTERS VINTAGE ISRAELI POSTERS Isreael old photograph collectors items Fri, 01 Nov 2019 00:01:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Set Of 14 Vintage Educational Posters “The Holocaust and Rebellion” 1982 Fri, 11 Oct 2019 11:11:00 +0000 Holocaust and Rebellion A set of 14 posters Special edition of the Ghetto Fighters’ House (Museum) for the Holocaust and Rebellion Heritage. Educational posters hung on schools to teach children about the horrors of the Holocaust. Description of posters COVER + The Nazis’ rise...

The post A Set Of 14 Vintage Educational Posters “The Holocaust and Rebellion” 1982 first appeared on VINTAGE ISRAELI POSTERS.

The Holocaust and Rebellion A set of 14 posters
Special edition of the Ghetto Fighters’ House (Museum) for the Holocaust and Rebellion Heritage.
Educational posters hung on schools to teach children about the horrors of the Holocaust.

Description of posters


  1. The Nazis’ rise to power in 1933
  2. Invasion of the Nazi army into Poland and the beginning of World War II
  3. Humiliation and abuse of Jews, marking with yellow badges
  4. The concentration of Jews in the ghettos, the first stage of extermination
  5. Hungry in the ghetto, the first to die are the children
  6. Although the Jews maintained life in the ghetto and mutual assistance and the establishment of underground groups
  7. Invasion of  the Nazi army to Soviet Union 1941 and mass murder of the House of Israel
  8. Jews from all over Europe lead to the extermination facilities
    Auschwitz becomes the killing spot of millions of Jews
  9. The gas chambers in Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobibor. Death industry infrastructure
  10. In all parts of Europe, Jews took part in a partisan war against the Nazis
  11. One million and a half Jews joined the army to fight against fascism,
    And fought in the Allied army against Nazi Germany
  12. The Jewish community in Israel joined the Jewish Brigade in the British army to fight the Nazis
  13. A memorial to “Righteous Among the Nations” who helped Jews during the Holocaust

Each poster has a 2-hole punch for wall hanging
The set is incomplete. The original set is 18 posters

The post A Set Of 14 Vintage Educational Posters “The Holocaust and Rebellion” 1982 first appeared on VINTAGE ISRAELI POSTERS.
