Rahel The Poetess “Founding Mother” of Modern Hebrew Poetry- Signed Letter
A Rare Letter From Rahel The Poetess To Haya Israeli (Selzer) Following Rahel's Love Affair With Ben Zion Israeli- Signed 1925...
A Rare Letter From Rahel The Poetess To Haya Israeli (Selzer) Following Rahel's Love Affair With Ben Zion Israeli- Signed 1925...
The Shemen (oil) plant was one of the pioneering industrial plants around Haifa Bay....
Farkash Gallery is proud to present this richly illustrated collection of airlines and tourism posters to Israel. ...
Almost 115 years have passed since the establishment of Tel Aviv "the white city"....
The Painters Association for Useful Graphics co...
The Farkash Gallery is proud to present and sell, Our Complete Collection of Original Vintage Film Posters. This large movie poster collection demonstrates over 70 years of iconic cinematic history from across the globe....
Ahead of the upcoming Israeli government elections, The Farkash Gallery is proud to present and sell, a collection of Election posters from Israel's early years...
The Yom Kippur War Vintage Photographs - Taken during the fighting in the Sinai Desert and the Suez Canal by the famous journalist Uri Dan 1973. SPECIAL OFFER FOR ROSH HASHANAH AND YOM KIPPUR שנה טובה HAPPY HEBREW NEW YEAR...
As we are celebrating Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year next week. And in honor of the beginning of the school year this month. We are pleased to present an online exhibition of rare vintage educational posters. Published by the JNF (Keren Kayemet LeIsrael) in...
52 years to the Six Day War VINTAGE POSTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHS...
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