
Historical items of Theodor Herzl for sale

Historical items of Theodor Herzl for sale

Herzl is considered to have been the father of modern political Zionism. He formed the World Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish migration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state.

Herzl energetically promoted his ideas, continually attracting supporters, Jewish and non-Jewish.

His vision finally came alive with the esablishment of Israel in 1948.

Above is a rare film poster from 1925 that was screened in Latvia during 1925 at the”Kino Astra” Theater. The writings on the poster are in Latvian and Yiddish

This early film biography of the founder of modern Zionism depicts a young Herzl learning about Jewish persecution throughout the ages and developing his theory of political Zionism, which he saw as the only solution to anti-semitism

The film deals with Herzl’s activities and aims to reach the local Jewish audience in order to share with them the significant actions of Herzl for the Jews

The Direcetor is Otto Kreisler and the leading actor is the famous Rudolph Schildkraut

The film first came out in 1921 and was still on by 1925, doing its way through Jewish communities, sharing with them the hope of a state for the Jews, not knowing that only 15 years later most of these Jews will be killed in the Holocaust.

Below on the right side is a rare and original appraisal letter written by Herzl himself with his original signature and sent to a delegate member of the third Jewish Congress that took place in Basel

This was witten during 1899 just after the Zionist Congress which dealt with many important matters such as the involvement of religion in the Jewish state and the need to settle Jews in the land of Israel.

On the right bottom you can find an original hanging plaque of Israel’s “scroll of Independence”

New-York, 1948 decorated with Herzl’s picture among two Israeli flags

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