
50 Years Since Yom kippur War

Behind the Lens of Uri Dan

One of the most significant military journalists in the country’s history, and perhaps the only one who documented the Yom Kippur War through both the pen and the camera. Despite lacking any professional experience in photography, Uri used his sharp journalistic point of view to capture “like a punch in the stomach” expressions and emotions like no other photographer.

His photographic account emerged from the battlefields, depicting the soldiers of the 143rd Armored Reserve Division, under the leadership of his close friend Ariel Sharon. Through their unwavering determination and sacrifices, Israeli forces advanced as far as the 101st kilometer on the road to Cairo, turning an initial Israeli setback into a resounding triumph.

The Path to Peace

In the Sinai desert, the tribes of Israel wandered for 40 years on their journey to the Promised Land. Similarly, in this very desert, the State of Israel underwent a series of mobilizations, advances, and retreats in its pursuit of peace and the establishment of a secure Jewish state in the Holy Land.

Five wars were fought between Israel and Egypt in the Sinai Desert between the years 1948 and 1973, with Israel emerging victorious in all of them. It was these defeats that led Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem in November 1977 for the peace campaign with Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The most prominent Arab nation, with the most military strength, became willing to sign the first-ever peace agreement with Israel.

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